Saturday, March 10, 2012

I'm still alive!

Hey everyone sorry for the radio silence. School has been kicking my ass. Been dropping off of the crossfit a bit, but still getting in 1-2 times a week on my worse weeks. I did get a bit of an upper respiratory tract infection and haven't done any actual metcons in a while. Not doing the open since my training has been so scattered and I still can't do double unders. Maybe next year. Still passing med school somehow.

Recent PRs
5 muscle ups (woo!) kipping of course
185 power clean (not sure why I have to power clean my heavy weights) Terrible form on this, but I got it up.

Went in yesterday and had some fun and did a lot of different things to just get my head in it again, but my test is this friday. Didn't go in this morning since I was so nuked, I do still have time though... We'll see.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Its PR week again at my crossfit. I have not been keeping up a good diet and it is showing. Stopped taking my inhaler before WODs because it seems to decrease my ability to breath... PR'd OHS at 125 and snatch at 95, also 3 muscle ups lol. I'll take a few days off for Thanksgiving since I get to go back home to CA for a while. I'm sure my diet will deteriorate even more. I'm making myself spend a little less time at crossfit during the week to make time to stay in the library, it had to be done. Nonetheless I'm getting stronger.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

2nd Med school block exam this friday

Been taking some time off out of the box to study and also to give my body some rest. Seems my asthma symptoms have come back a bit. Its become a problem in a few of the WODs. I did the 300 WOD, and could not catch my breath for a long time. I went very hard on the first half of that workout and paid for it. Did another workout that was designed like FGB with some less conventional exercises such as tire pounds with a hammer and sandbag get ups, lungs closed up on me again. I'm not making excuses, I'll still go in with time permitting, just gotta make sure I don't die. Frustrating. At least I'm still getting stronger.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Post Chicago Urbanathlon, Post Block Test

So here's a little update on how the Urbanathlon went. I finished that beast up on Saturday. I did better then I thought I was going to. I pretty much kept the same pace the whole time, or at least it felt like that. If I took a rest it would only be for a few seconds after an obstacle. At about mile 3 my feet both went completely numb, I had the same problem when I did the warrior dash and I'm sure it will happen again when I do Tough Mudder next year. That was somewhat bothersome but not a real problem and sensation returned around mile 5. At around mile 6 my knee started to really hurt, but I convinced myself to keep going or it would hurt worse. I finished the Race in 2:00:58. About one minute slower then my goal (well the real goal was just to finish, and I did). It was a ton of fun and a great challenge.

After that I went defcon 5 and studied my ass off for my cell and molecular biology block test for medical school. Hopefully I passed.

Ok, back to Crossfit. Monday was the gyms rest day so I decided it would be fun to do a gymnastics WOD using just the rings. Did muscle ups, V outs, front levers (with band), back levers (w/ band), ring push ups, ring planche push ups, and an iron cross progression.

I took Tuesday off to go to a trampolining place. Got to do some flips into a foam pit which was as fun as it sounds. Decided to take the day off from crossfit since my knee was still sore from urbanathlon and trampolining didn't seem to make it better.

Today I did the full workout. For strength we did max Clean. I was able to work up to #180 which is my body weight, maybe a few lbs more so I was stoked about that. I did it as a power clean so I guess that technically means I can do more if my form gets better. Then for the Met-con WOD it was 60 seconds of double unders with 20 seconds rest for 8 rounds. I did shitty. It was tabata scoring and I ended up with 8. I hate double unders. Hopefully I get them soon.

Alright back to studying.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

WOD one week from finals


3×10 Bench press


2 Rounds of:

3 min Row (for calories)

1 min Wallball (reps)

1 min deadlift bodyweight (reps)

1 min ghd (reps)

1 min rest

*score by adding total reps and calories

Strength: 135 - 155(6) - 145 (7) Gotta do this more on my own.
188 reps 175#, order: GHD, DL, WB, Row. DL felt good, by WB my legs were sapped.
Then about 10 mins of GWOD goodness: kick into split handstand, V-outs (w/ false grip), band assisted front lever (could actually get back into inverted hang this time).

Crossfit is keeping the stress down for my final that is looming. Urbanathlon is coming up on Saturday, still not sure if I am running in it. Did no running training, hip flexor got strained, shin pain whenever I run, but I still want to run it since I paid and I like the challenge. Skipping training today because I am hosting a med student interviewee. I'll train on Wednesday then take Thursday and Friday off. I might try and run 2 miles on Thursday just to see if I can do it, I figure if I can run 2 miles straight I can at least walk-run the urbanathlon since it gets broken up by the obstacles anyways. We'll see.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

49" Box Jump video

Hey guys (Bruce and Kelly) here's a little video of one of my trainers/coaches and me jumping a 49" box. I figured I would post a video since I've been too busy to write lately. My jump is around :30 so enjoy.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Been Busy

Hello, sorry that I haven't written on the blog in a while. I've been very busy with school and all the socializing and what have you. It has been hard managing all of my hours. Sleep usually gets sacrificed, but not crossfit. :P

I'm not going to list all of the WODs that I haven't been putting up but I'll give some quick highlights.

Murph: 54:00
FGB: 235
Did a few WODs where I had to Clean or Clean and Jerk 135, which is phenomenal to me.
Muscle up PR:1!

I'm seeing huge strength gains in my major lifts. The last few cycles have yielded me new PRs pretty much everyday.

Now that I have muscle ups my goals will shift. I'll keep working Cleans until I hit body weight, I almost power cleaned 175, which is close enough to my body weight... could not quite get it. With my one muscle up I will now work until I can do 10 in a row. Those ring straps gave me some gnarly bruises on my triceps area. I will also keep working my Deadlift. It is at 275 right now, which is a big jump from a month ago. I'd like to get 300 and then eventually work towards 350.

I've done crossfit regularly for a bit over a month and am seeing definite results. I have more energy during the day, fall asleep faster at night, and don't feel that stressed considering the stress I'm under living this far from home, my family, and my lovely lady.... Oh yeah, and medical school. I plan on training hard through fall and winter, so that when I come home for the holidays everyone can see the changes. My confidence is hugely improved, I mean if I can get through WODs I can get through anything.